The effects of maderotherapy

Maderotherapy focuses on the proper functioning of the lymphatic system and thanks to the regular treatment you can experience the following benefits in our body and the greatest impact to our health such as :
- menstrual cycle is adjusted and pain is relieved
- improves blood circulation
- improves the production of elastin, vitamin E and collagen (essential substances for skin quality, which is lost through the aging process)
- improves muscle tone, revitalises and reactivates the nervous system
- accelerates lipid degradation
- the breasts will not be engorged, hard or painful to the touch
- migraine will be radically alleviated
- regularity of the stool (every day)
- removes harmful substances from the intestines and tissues
- firms and smooths the skin
- eliminates swelling of the limbs
- relief the water around the knee
- no more bloated belly, stomach pain and cramps
- flatulence is radically relieved
- help to start the weight loss process (the kilos come off faster)
- intolerance will be alleviated and if you take the medications for the allergies- you will stop taking them
- removal of excess water in the body
- breaking down subcutaneous fat - cellulite will not be visible on the surface of the skin
- itching of the skin will go away
- you will not have cold extremities
- your hair will stop radically falling out