Discover the real maderotherapy - only with medical staff.
Boost your lymphatic system.

My name is Vanesa and I discovered madero therapy by chance. I used to work in finance sector, and had a possibility to try maderotherapy once.
I have not be able to imagine how much it would change my life since.
I am severely intolerant to gluten, lactose and histamine. I have always had severe cramps, bloating, and felt sick after every meal. I was told at my first treatment in madero therapy that if I could keep going 2 times per week and for at least during three months, my lymphatic system would adjust, my stomach, digestive and intestinal problems would ease enough to withdraw off the intolerance medications.
How do you say it? If you don't experience it, you won't believe it.The proof is , that to this day I do not take any intolerance medications :-) That is for me the decision making moment when I decided to resign from my previous job at the bank and since 2018 I have opened my own beauty spaces in Austria and Slovakia.
When our lymphatic system works the way it should, our body can handle everything correctly and this was confirmed for me also during my pregnancy. I became a mom in 2022 and my body recovered very quickly after the caesarean birth, and that's only because the know how of a proper performance of the maderotherapy treatment.

Dear Ladies, it is really important to choose responsibly who you entrust yourself to.
If someone bruises you, you will develop visible coils, the area will be quite sensitive and no woman wants that.
Maderotherapy has to be done to a full body, which means everywhere we do have our lymph nodes.
Which parts of the body are treated:
🍀 Front part of the body:
- Whole abdomen, hips, long calf muscle, around the knee, thigh (inner, middle, outer part)
🍀 Back part of the body:
- Foot, full calf, back thigh (inner, middle, outer part), full glute - buttocks, back to shoulder blades,
🍀 Hands.
Individual parts cannot be treated during the sessions. You need to treat the full body at once.